Joey Custode



Joey Custode

I have been in the health and wellness industry for a decade now. I studied Exercise and Sport Science in college. I am a certified Strength and conditioning coach through NSCA and USAW. I am a certified Nutrition coach through Precision Nutrition. I am a certified RPR (Reflexive Performance Rest) Therapist. This is fascial release and trigger point therapy. I have pursued multiple levels of continuing education over the years, which has helped me change the lives of many people, which is my ultimate goal for everyone I work with. I specialize in strength training for Osteoporosis, athletic performance training, and corrective exercise. I am extremely grateful for the gifts I am able to share with many to help positively influence their mind, body, and spirit. My job as a coach is to make you better in all fascists of health. Great things come with time, patience, and hard work. If you want to become a better version of yourself, you have to commit to that. When things get hard and you want to quit, I will be there to help motivate and get you past the hump. Remember, diamonds are created through pressure. Your body will adapt and become better if you give it the appropriate amount of pressure.